Medical Evaluation / Second Opinion
Each of our clinics are well-equipped for all levels of retinal pathology. Many of the most complex or treatment-resistant cases from across Connecticut and the surrounding Northeast are referred to our practice daily.
As a specialist practice most of our patients are referred by other providers, but you may also Request An Appointment if you believe you have a retina-related condition, are transferring care, or would like a confidential second opinion.

Direct / Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
Your clinical evaluation will take place at the slit lamp, which is used to evaluate the macula and the front of the eye under high magnification.
Our physicians also perform indirect ophthalmoscopy, which is a hand-held headset utilizing a wide-field lens. We perform scleral depression examinations to assess the very far periphery of your retina, an area that is often very difficult to visualize.
An examination of the peripheral retina is key to identifying retinal tears, retinal holes, retinal thinning, and other factors that can result in retinal detachments or vision loss.
Wide-Field Photography
We employ the latest wide-field imaging technology including Optos wide-field fundus photos and flourescein angiography. These tests can highlight disease across the entire back of the eye, providing your physicians with an accurate and complete picture of your eye health.

OCT / OCT Angiography
An OCT (optical coherence tomography) is a high definition, real-time, photograph of your retina. Taken in just seconds, it captures >10,000 ultrasound images and can provide your physician with the ability to identify microscopic and subtle changes that may relate to your retinal disease.
Our offices also employ OCT-Angiography, which provides a complete map of the underlying blood vessels beds that feed and nourish the retina. This allows for a high definition method to identify areas of disease - such as choroidal neovascularization - that may otherwise be missed with conventional technology.
Comprehensive Care
Our office will work closely with all of your physicians should your retinal disease be related to an underlying condition, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, auto-immune disease, or cancer. Please be prepared to provide the contact information for your other doctors as our physicians will often communicate with them directly regarding any eye-related findings.
We also work closely with all other ophthalmologic specialists and are well regarded in the entire Connecticut area. If you've been referred to us it is more than likely that our physicians have a direct working relationship with your optometrist or ophthalmologist. This includes general ophthalmologic providers, glaucoma specialists, cornea specialists, neuro-ophthalmologists, pediatric ophthalmologists, and oculoplastics providers.